3 Questions You Need To Consider When You Have A Loved One With Dementia

3 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Many individuals are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or dementia every year. This is an illness that can progress slowly or very quickly; it is different for every individual. This is why it is important that loved ones look for signs that the illness has progressed enough to admit the person into an assisted living center that can safely manage the illness. Here are some things you should look for.

Is Your Loved One Displaying Paranoia?

One unfortunate symptom of dementia is becoming paranoid. Your loved one may start to show delusions that someone is out to get them, that there are imaginary people, or people appearing from their past who are no longer alive. As they become more paranoid you might notice that they are acting out. They may even believe that you or other family members are going to hurt them. This could cause them to commit dangerous acts. The person with dementia is not acting out of anger or hate; instead, they believe that they are simply defending themselves. For the safety of your loved one, and those they have paranoid delusions about, you need to get additional help.

Is Your Loved One Wandering Or Forgetting Where They Are?

Another sign to look for is wandering. Your loved one may go for a walk and be gone for hours wandering the neighborhood. They could even forget where they were going or how to get home and become lost. In addition, you might even notice that they forget where they are when they are in a familiar place. At home they might become confused, or think that they are somewhere else.

Wandering may seem harmless in the beginning, but it could become incredibly dangerous. If your loved one wanders on their own, they might become so lost that they cannot return home and endanger themselves.

Has Your Loved One Experienced Personality Changes Such As Aggression?

Lastly, personality changes are common as the individual's illness progresses. Someone who was previously a happy and patient individual may all of the sudden be explosive, angry, and mean. The personality changes do not always have to be aggressive. The person may cry a lot, become overly touchy or sentimental, or become outspoken, opinionated and have visions of grandeur. This is a sign that the illness is serious and that their behavior is unpredictable. An assisted living facility would be advised at this time.

By looking for the signs that your loved one needs more assistance, you can protect them and get them the best care possible. 
